Пристрасті Христові (2004)
Passion of the Christ, The
Назва альбому:
Passion of the Christ, The
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John Debney - The Olive Garden/Night Sky Medley
John Debney - Bearing the Cross
John Debney - Jesus Arrested
John Debney - Peter Denies Jesus
John Debney - The Stoning
John Debney - Song of Complaint
John Debney - Simon is Dismissed
John Debney - Flagellation/Dark Choir/Disciples
John Debney - Mary Goes to Jesus
John Debney - Peaceful But Primitive/Procession
John Debney - Crucifixion
John Debney - Raising the Cross
John Debney - It Is Done
John Debney - Jesus is Carried Down
John Debney - Resurrection
Пристрасті Христові / Passion of the Christ, The